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Unlock the next wave
of cell discoveries

Single-Cell RNA Kit for Long-Read Sequencing

ArgenTag will pick researchers to have first-hand access
to a kit that will change the single-cell landscape



Breaking down the barriers of single-cell sequencing

The ArgenTag Single-Cell RNA Library Kit for Long-Read Sequencing converts the mRNA from individual cells into full-length tagged cDNA that is directly sequenceable by long-read technologies.


The kit uses a portable microfluidic chip that easily and gently partitions single cells into individual microwells, and mRNA-capture magnetic beads with ArgenTag smart barcoding technology.

ArgenTag single-cell kit components


End-to-end solution on your bench

Device free and User Friendly

Smart, agile, versatile, cost effective and beginner friendly.


Save time and effort with our streamlined workflow.



A new research paradigm opens up!

Long-read sequencing is one of the great keys to splicing isoforms studies by recovering full-lenght information. ArgenTag allows single-cell studies with ONT and PacBio sequencers.

Single-cell resolution

Unlock more complex sample analysis.

The gentle partitioning method allows the recovery of information of diverse cellular types. 

One chip allows the study up to 10 K single cells and the products of 2 chips can be pooled, allowing the study of 20 K cells per sample.

ArgenTag core barcoding technology for single-cell long-reads


Smart Barcoding Technology

Enables faster bioinformatic processing without barcode whitelists or additional short-read sequencing. 

Fully compatible with ONT (Oxforford Nanopore Technologies) and PacBio (Pacific Biosciences) long-read sequencers.



ArgenTag in numbers

20 k

Cells Resolved

5 h


2 weeks

E2E Data Analysis

100 %

Transcript Length

First Users Enabling

High-Resolution Single-Cell

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KOLs experiences

The cDNAs are quite long. This makes me much more hopeful for the quality of isoforms off your platform compared to the standard.

The ability to perform a single-cell long-read
opens up experimental approaches that were unimaginable.

It isn’t a black box, it’s an open system!

I was able to see my cells and control the entire process.

It was pretty easy, really user-friendly!

The manual and video protocol were very detailed and easy-follow.

ArgenTag single-cell RNA library kit for long-read. Fill out the form to join our early access program! 



✓ ArgenTag 2-reaction kit with all reagents ✓ Tailored advice on experimental design and analysis ✓ Real time support through Zoom, email and WhatsApp


✓ Provide feedback and recommendations ✓ Availability of long-read sequencing capabilities ✓ Perform the experiment during 2024

Early Access Form

Long-read sequencing available platforms
  • What does the kit include?
    Each single-cell kit contains two boxes with all the necessary reagents to perform the single-cell RNA barcoding. We have presentations of 2 or 16 reactions.
  • How many cells can I study?
    The chip can partition between 3,000 to 10,000 cells per reaction by loading 10,000 to 35,000 cells. As two reactions can be pooled for sequencing (since the generated cDNA will have different barcodes), up to 20,000 cells can be analyzed together.
  • Which cells are compatible with the chip? Can I use nucleus?
    The standard chip accommodates regular cells from 5 to 25 μm in size or nucleus preparations. Larger cells (up to 70 μM) or irregular cells (not round shaped) require a customized chip. We recommend using fresh cell samples with high viability in PBS solution. Some fixation methods and buffer changes are also supported, please contact us to evaluate your specific case. Some cell samples successfully tested with our system are: PBMC (human peripheral blood mononuclear cells), ZebraFish embryo cells, HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney), NIH-3T3 ( mouse embryonic fibroblasts), MDA-MB-453 (human breast adenocarcinoma), K-562 (human leukemic lymphoblasts), MV-4-11 (human leukemic macrophages), A549 (lung cancer cells), retinoid cells, among others.
  • Is it really instrument free?
    Yes, the chip can be operated manually without any special equipment. You only need a regular p200 pipette to load the chip. The chip is disposable and you can use it to work with high security samples (i.e. HIV investigation lines).
  • Can I use any pipet tip for chip loading?
    The width of the tip is crucial for the chip loading, thus the use of certain tips can facilitate the loading process. Pipette tips validated for a successful loading are: Eppendorf #0030078551, Jet Biofil PMT231200, VWR #732-3701, Rainin #30389242, Extragene #TS250CFS, Opentrons OT-2 #999-00081. We advise our first time users to employ some of these p200 tips.
  • Which is the specific target? How many UMI does a bead have?
    The magnetic beads have a poly-T in the 3’-OH to capture the poly-A tailed mRNA. Each bead carries 10^7 unique binding sites.
  • How long does it take to perform the protocol?
    The wet-lab work is made on 3.5 to 5 h, on which the RNA cell labeling takes just 1 hour, and the sequencing demuxing process takes 1 day.
  • Is this kit compatible with both PacBio and ONT sequencing? Can I use the kit with short read sequencing?
    Our kit is compatible with both ONT (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) and PacBio (Pacific Biosciences) long-read sequencing platforms. You can use the same cDNA prep for both sequencing platforms. The length of the barcode exceeds the capacity of short-read sequencing.
  • Which library prep kits support the protocol?
    Our kit can be adapted to all long read library prep kits as Pacific Biosciences Kinnex full-length RNA and Oxford Nanopore Technologies LSK 110/114 and PCS 111/114. Although it is possible, we don’t recommend using PacBio Kinnex single-cell RNA kit because extremely long concatemers can be generated with our protocol. We will be happy to discuss your experimental planning and help choosing the best library prep solution for you.
  • How will you manage my sequencing data?
    The raw DATA (sent via AWS or Globus) is demultiplexed with ArgenTag proprietary software Taggy (~1 day), returning data in an output format suitable for universal downstream processing bioinformatics analysis (FLAMES/IsoSeq, etc.). Your data will not be shared or used for any purpose that has not been previously authorized by the user. You can visit our terms and conditions for more information.
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